We do appreciate your business and will be happy to guide you on your insurance needs. Call (813) 510-5366to contact one of our knowledgeable insurance agents.
Garage Liability Insurance: Insurance coverage for the legal liability of
automobile dealers, garages, repair shops and service stations for
bodily injury and property damage arising out of their business
Garagekeepers Coverage: Provides coverage to owners of storage
garages, parking lots and body and repair shops for their liability of
damage to automobiles left in their custody for safekeeping or repair
General Aggregate Limit: The maximum amount of insurance payable
during the policy period for losses (other than those arising from the
products - completed operations hazards as covered under the standard
commercial general liability policy)
General Liability Insurance: Insurance protecting businesses from most
liability exposures other than automobile and professional liability
Glass Insurance: A property insurance policy covering breakage of
building glass regardless of cause
Governing Classification: In Workers' Compensation Insurance, the
classification that best describes the workers' compensation exposure
of an employer's business
Grace Period: Period of time after the due date of a premium during
which the policy remains in force without penalty.
Graded Premium Policy: A type of whole life policy designed for people
who want more life coverage than they can currently afford. They pay a
lower premium rate that increases gradually over the first three to five
years and then remains constant over the life of the policy.
Gross Negligence: Willful and wanton misconduct
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): The weight specified by a manufacturer for
the maximum total loaded weight of a single vehicle
Guaranteed Term: A form of renewable term insurance that remains in
force as long as the premiums are paid on time. With guaranteed term
insurance, the insurance company cannot terminate the policy during